
Marriage is a calling from God (vocation) and a sacrament. It requires the presence of a priest or deacon, a bride and a groom, and two witnesses. In this Sacrament, the bride and groom are the ministers because they give the Sacrament of Matrimony to each other. It is their mutual “I do” that makes them husband and wife.

To make arrangements for the sacrament of Marriage, please contact the parish office at least two months in advance of a desired wedding date.

Decree of Nullity: People who have been previously married, divorced, and remarried can contact the office regarding how they might proceed in their lives as Catholics. What is commonly called an Annulment may be discussed and can be a process is one of healing.


Catholic bishops, priests and deacons are ordained by a bishop by means of the sacrament called Holy Orders. The bishop is the chief head of a diocese, with pastors (a priest), or pastoral administrators (a deacon, sister, brother, or lay person) as the representative of the bishop on the parish level, and the servant of the family of God gathered in a particular parish. The pastor or pastoral administrator of a parish is responsible for the entire faith life of the community.