Welcome to St. Vincent de Paul Parish.

After much prayer, thought, and consultation, we have stopped the live streaming of Sunday Masses.  Our Mass celebration reaches its summit at the celebration of the Eucharist and our receiving of Jesus fully and completely in his Body and Blood.  We greatly desire all of us to gather together and walk towards the Altar of the Lord every Sunday.  If you cannot gather due to health issues, please see the link below to gather for the daily and Sunday mass from the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption in Saginaw.  In addition, please call the parish office so we can make arrangements for you to receive the Blessed Sacrament and keep you up to date with parish information. 

Daily Mass Livestream from the Cathedral: https://saginaw.org/cathedral-live

I Heard it in the Homily

The words that stand out in the gospel are harsh and stunning “people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” The Jewish people lived by the laws covering every aspect of their lives even if some were tough to follow. Laws were given as a way to be close to the Lord, to bond in covenant.

Jesus does not do away with the laws, but puts them secondary to loving God in the heart. If what comes out of us is deceit, evil thoughts, adultery, murder, greed, malice, etc., what does it matter what laws we are following?

Can we apply this to relationships with our spouse? As we go through the motions of the every day, is the heart still in it? Do we have a crucifix hanging in our home but it is surrounded by negativity and fighting? Do we fast from meat on Friday but feast on gossip? Do we say the rosary and then go back to our dirty novel?

We all have our faithful rituals and devotions, but is God really first in how we conduct our day to day? May we not be all lips and no heart.

No matter what your current family or marital situation;

No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church;

No matter what your past or present religious affiliation;

No matter what your personal history, age, background, race or color;

No matter what your self-image or esteem;

You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at St. Vincent de Paul Parish.

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