Welcome to St. Vincent de Paul Parish.

After much prayer, thought, and consultation, we have stopped the live streaming of Sunday Masses.  Our Mass celebration reaches its summit at the celebration of the Eucharist and our receiving of Jesus fully and completely in his Body and Blood.  We greatly desire all of us to gather together and walk towards the Altar of the Lord every Sunday.  If you cannot gather due to health issues, please see the link below to gather for the daily and Sunday mass from the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption in Saginaw.  In addition, please call the parish office so we can make arrangements for you to receive the Blessed Sacrament and keep you up to date with parish information. 

Daily Mass Livestream from the Cathedral: https://saginaw.org/cathedral-live

I Heard it in the Homily

Think about our gospel scene: a young man keeps the commandments and has a special reverence for Jesus. He is good. Jesus looked at him and loved him. There was good chemistry, but something was lacking. The man asked Jesus what he must do to enter the kingdom of heaven, and Jesus tells him to sell his riches and the man walks away. Let us put ourselves in this story. Think about being this man and Jesus is looking at you and loving you, and you are basking in this love. Maybe something is missing or lacking. We need something more but what could it be? What could Jesus be telling us is lacking in our lives? Do we walk away like the man?

Solomon was praying for wisdom: God‘s love, guidance, and presence in his life. He was looking for something to keep him doing the right thing. He was reaching out for all God is and was. Solomon wants a relationship with God. God is worth more than anything else in our lives – that is wisdom.

The greatest good we can have in life is our relationship with God. God’s wisdom gives meaning to our life. What must I do to inherit eternal life? That is the question we all have. May we sit, warmed by God‘s love, as we go forward.

No matter what your current family or marital situation;

No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church;

No matter what your past or present religious affiliation;

No matter what your personal history, age, background, race or color;

No matter what your self-image or esteem;

You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at St. Vincent de Paul Parish.

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