Welcome to St. Vincent de Paul Parish.

After much prayer, thought, and consultation, we have stopped the live streaming of Sunday Masses.  Our Mass celebration reaches its summit at the celebration of the Eucharist and our receiving of Jesus fully and completely in his Body and Blood.  We greatly desire all of us to gather together and walk towards the Altar of the Lord every Sunday.  If you cannot gather due to health issues, please see the link below to gather for the daily and Sunday mass from the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption in Saginaw.  In addition, please call the parish office so we can make arrangements for you to receive the Blessed Sacrament and keep you up to date with parish information. 

Daily Mass Livestream from the Cathedral: https://saginaw.org/cathedral-live

I Heard it in the Homily

There are three people in scripture today we can all identify with. When Isaiah is in the Temple of the Lord, the Seraphim in the sky is singing. Isaiah says, “woe is me.” He recognizes his sinfulness, so God sends an angel who purifies Isaiah. God asks “who will go proclaim the good news?” Isaiah has the courage to go do God‘s work. “Here I am lord!”

Paul, least of all the apostles, says “now I am who I am because of the grace of God.” Paul recognized that everything he is able to do comes from God.

There are 7 non-negotiables on our way to Jesus. This is a spiritual roadmap to Jesus; how we get from this life to eternal life. It is a lifetime worth of work.

In our lives, we are all unworthy, inadequate, limited, sinners. There are times we fail God. We are not living up to who God wants us to be. We are not noticing God in our lives. God tells us not to feel like a failure. He is with us. He has not given up on us. He says “I still want to use you to build my kingdom on earth. I want you to use the gifts you have been given to help those in need. You will be renewed and strengthened.”

The Lord says, “Do not be afraid, for I am with you to help you do my holy will and work.”

No matter what your current family or marital situation;

No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church;

No matter what your past or present religious affiliation;

No matter what your personal history, age, background, race or color;

No matter what your self-image or esteem;

You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at St. Vincent de Paul Parish.

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