Faith Formation/Education Commission

The Faith Formation/Education Commission assists, promotes and supports parishioners in understanding that the entire parish community has responsibilities for participating in the evangelization and the teaching mission of Jesus entrusted to the Church.

The Commission’s responsibilities include developing, promoting and evaluating programs that address all aspects of education and evangelization, in cooperation with Diocesan and parish staff members. The Faith Formation/Education Commission meets monthly.

The major areas addressed (through this commissions sub-committees) to fulfill the teaching mission of the Church, the parish mission, the pastor’s vision and parish goals are:

• Adult Faith Formation
• Catechetics (To children and families)
• Vocations
• Youth and Young Adult Ministry

Christian Service Commission

Outreach to those in need is a basic mandate given to us by Jesus Christ himself. Our Christian Service Commission works with the parish resources, both financial as well as human and physical, to serve the needs of the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the sick, and those with genuine needs. Under the umbrella of the Christian Service Commission are all issues that concerning the right to life and religious liberty and freedom.

Worship Commission

The Worship Commission regularly meets to discuss the worshiping needs of the parish. This group is concerned with formation in the Church’s teaching concerning liturgy and worship, and thus prepare the Rites of the Church as well as the training of liturgical ministers. These people are an integral part of the liturgical life of St. Vincent de Paul Parish.

Evangelization Commission

This newly formed group is concerned with spreading the mission and message of Christianity beyond our church walls. Jesus gave us one clear mission: “Go out and make disciples.” Our last five pope’s have consistently preached a message of evangelization and outreach, reminding us that the “Church exists in order to evangelize,” and “the Church should be a field hospital on the edge of the battlefield.” If you would like to serve on this commission, please contact the parish office.