Sunday October 18th Weekly Reflection

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Faith:

It has been estimated that internet start-up companies try to squeeze ten years’ worth of growth into just three years. Just imagine the grueling amount of work the entire team would have to perform over that time—all in the hope of a huge profit.

Now imagine if, one day, one of the employees of such a company stood up in a meeting and asked the founder to make him a key executive over everyone else. Can you see how angry his co-workers would be? They had all worked hard! Why should this fellow get special treatment?

This scenario is a modern-day take on today’s gospel reading as James and John ask Jesus to guarantee them special seating when he comes into his kingdom. All the disciples had worked hard and followed Jesus faithfully, so why should these two be raised above the others?

It seems James and John missed three important points about Jesus and his ministry. First, they did not understand that Jesus was destined to be a heavenly king, not an earthly one. They missed that he wanted to build a kingdom built on mercy and love, not power and domination.

Second, they did not realize that Jesus had come to die, not to reign. He had not come to be served as royalty, but to serve his people—to the point of giving his very life for them.

Finally, they missed the point that this is not a competition. Everyone who serves Jesus will be given a seat of honor in heaven!

Like the apostles, we, too, are part of Jesus’ team. So let us think about our role in his organization. How is he calling us to serve? How can we make his kingdom more and more successful in the world?

Speaking of service, please take note of our Help Wanted notice elsewhere in today’s bulletin. We are desperately seeking a person or persons willing to serve the parish as Hall Manager for events held in our Parish Hall. Are you the person for this job?

I hope you have a Christ-filled week!

St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us!

May the Holy Spirit always be with you.

Deacon Mike