Sunday October 27th Weekly Reflection

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Faith:

The readings for today all involve a call from God. In the first reading from the Prophet Jeremiah, the Lord makes a joyful announcement as he calls his people out of captivity and back to their homeland of Jerusalem. He promises to rescue them and accompany all of them along the way. He is determined to leave no one behind and he is preparing the way for a new covenant, and he wants all his people to join him.

In the second reading God calls his Son, the unblemished Lamb of God, to the high priesthood as the One who offers forgiveness and whose self-offering shows us the way to our heavenly Jerusalem.

Finally, in today’s Gospel, Jesus issues another call — a call filled with hope — while on the road to Jerusalem. He calls Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, to his side. He makes it clear that he has come to rescue everyone. He will leave no one behind, not even this blind man. Not even us! The hour has come. Jesus, the great high priest, now walks to the place of his Passover sacrifice where he will offer a new covenant in his very own blood, and he invites us to join him as joyful witnesses.

As their paths meet, Bartimaeus throws off his cloak and eagerly follows Jesus. What an image! As we receive the Eucharist at Mass, could we be like Bartimaeus and throw aside everything that limits our vision and expectations? Jesus has marvelous plans for our lives, so why not let him heal our hearts and fill them with the fire of his love.

As adopted sons and daughters of God, we all have a royal heritage. We should not let obstacles or difficulties make us lose sight of this fact, because it is not where we come from, but where we are heading that counts. So, let’s try our best to persist with faith and trust in the Lord. We must believe that he will remove what needs to be removed, strengthen what needs to be strengthened, and give us the grace to get up and follow him.

Remember, he is calling you!

Speaking of service, please take note of our Help Wanted notice elsewhere in today’s bulletin. We are desperately seeking a person or persons willing to serve the parish as Hall Manager for events held in our Parish Hall. Are you the person for this job?

I hope you have a Christ-filled week!

St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us!

May the Holy Sjpirit always be with you.

Deacon Mike