Sunday November 1st Weekly Reflection

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Faith:

Today is a special for us. Our parish doesn’t have to be named All Saints for today to be special for us. What makes All Saints Day special is the fact that we are celebrating all of the saints of heaven”so great a cloud of witnesses”  and not just those who have been canonized. We may not often think about it, but millions and millions of holy men and women are in heaven right now, praying for us and cheering us on. If we could hear them, they might be saying, “Don’t give up! Stay close to Jesus! It really is worth it!”

For the most part, these saints are all people just like us, only now they are in heaven. Their lives mirrored ours our desires, our doubts, and our struggles to follow Jesus. If you are a wife, a mother, or a teacher, look to Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. If you are praying for family members who have fallen away from the faith, look to Saint Monica and ask her to pray for them as well. If you struggle with dividing your time between prayer, work, and play, let Saint Benedict help you.

Today’s feast is a reminder for us that the saints in heaven are not just the famous ones like Mother Teresa or Francis of Assisi. The list will include our deceased parents, grandparents, old friends, and former pastors. All those who were closest to us in life are also close to us in spirit now — a sort of heavenly support group! They are looking down upon us with love and concern, and they want nothing more than to see us grow into Christ’s love more and more each day.

God’s plan is wonderful, isn’t it? He has already given us the gift of life, and he has given us families and friends. He has given us our own unique set of gifts and talents, which we can use to glorify him. He has even given us the gift of salvation, along with the sacraments and the life of grace to sustain us. And yet, that is still not enough because he has called each of us to be with him in heaven forever!

A good way of celebrating all of God’s saints is to spend some time today talking about some of our beloved ones who have gone before us. How did they live the Beatitudes? How did their lives show comfort, mercy, and the hunger and thirst for righteousness? How were they peacemakers?

We are all in this life together and it is up to us to pass it on and share God’s unlimited love with others.

I hope you have a Christ-filled week!

St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us!

May the Holy Spirit always be with you.

Deacon Mike