Sunday November 15th Weekly Reflection

In the Old Testament reading today we hear the directions God gives to his people about destroying the places and objects of pagan worship. God is particular about how and where he is worshiped. He wants no traces or influences of false gods and false worship to lead people astray. This can sound strange to us. We live in a culture where tolerance and respect for differences is considered very important. And the Old Testament itself in other stories and verses points out that God created all humans and cares for all humans, even those who are different.

In the Gospels Jesus is often condemned for extending mercy and compassion to all, even those who are different, minorities, or can’t follow the rules. At the same time Jesus also warns against false prophets who will lead others astray. What then are we to make of us?

Perhaps one point to take from this is that respect and love for those who are not Christian does not mean that one endorses beliefs that are contrary to what we believe God teaches us. I can respect and appreciate Buddhist culture without saying reincarnation is the same as heaven and hell. I can acknowledge common values and history with

Islam without forsaking Christ and the Trinity. This brings us to another difficult place. Not endorsing what is false does not mean we can take the posi-
tion of forcing our beliefs on others. It does not mean that those who have what to us are false beliefs are less valuable or beloved of God. Jesus was very clear that his kingdom is born of love and service to God and to others and that is what we should emulate.

