Sunday December 13th Weekly Reflection

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Faith:

Reflecting on the history of World War II, Holy Cross Father Richard Gribble speaks of Winston Churchill, the famous British statesman who led England during the war years. “He was a man who prepared the people for future joy. Churchill was the man to whom the British people looked to bring solace and comfort during Europe’s darkest hours of the 20th century. His pugnacity and rousing speeches rallied the people to continue the fight in the midst of the almost daily bombing of their county. He urged his compatriots to conduct themselves so that, if the British Empire lasted 1,000 years, men would say, ‘This was their finest hour.’” Churchill knew that the dark hour would pass, and that peace, prosperity, and joy would reign once again. He prepared the people and led them to the light of joy.

On this third Sunday of Advent, traditionally known as Gaudete Sunday, our first reading tells us that the dark night of the world is coming to an end. It is time to rejoice for Jesus is near. The prophet Zephaniah wrote to the Jews before the exile, telling them to be glad and exult with all their hearts. He says there is nothing to fear and that Jerusalem should not be discouraged because God sings joyfully, so the people must be joyful in return.

Saint Paul continues the theme of joyfulness as he writes, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I say it again, rejoice!” Paul urges the people to dismiss all anxiety from their minds, for the Lord is near. He tells the Philippians (and us) to present their needs to God, and then God’s peace will reign in their hearts. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the season we need to slow down so that we can experience the Lord. Then we can rejoice with expressions of gladness and thanksgiving. As our Advent journey continues, it is good to be joyful and thankful that God chose us—to be human, to be Christian, to be wife and mother or husband and father, student, engineer, city worker, or whatever. Let us rejoice and be glad (Gaudete), for the Lord is near!

A big thank you to everyone who helped our parish reach its CSA goal for the first time in years. Our contributions and pledges topped our goal during the first week of December.

Thank you very much!

I hope you have a Christ-filled week!

St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us!

May the Holy Spirit always be with you.

Deacon Mike