Dear Sisters and Brothers in Faith:
Our children are the future of our Church. Because of that fact it behooves us to do all we can to bring
them up in the faith we share. Mary Moomey, the catechists/teachers, and the Faith Formation Commis-
sion, with the cooperation of the parents of the children of our parish, work hard to convey the basic prin-
ciples of the Roman Catholic faith to those children. There is, however, more to being a practical, practic-
ing Catholic than just knowing the basic principles. Among the “more” is participation in the liturgy of the
Mass. [Liturgy is a word that has, in its most basic understanding, a meaning that is often overlooked; it is
literally the “work of the people”.] Knowing this, a recruitment campaign is underway to get more of our
children involved in the liturgical activity of our parish.
Those youngsters who wish to ring bells with the choir during the Gloria are always welcome to do so.
Children who have received Holy Eucharist are urged to consider becoming altar servers. We have sever-
al who are very good at this duty, but more are needed. Just last week on Saturday there was no one to serve at Mass.
Youngsters who would like to help at Mass as ushers are also asked to step forward to help in this im-
portant ministry. They could greet people as they enter church, offer a hymnal, and be a welcoming pres-
ence. They could also help in the collection of offerings. Coming up in February and March are the days
when the Scouts will be helping out at Mass; be sure to encourage them when you see them.
The young pre-teens and teens (7th grade and above) who feel a call to proclaim Scripture at Mass are
encouraged to let their wishes be known.
If you are such a person or are the parent of such a person, please contact Mr. Steve Catrell (828-6729)
or Mrs. Laurie Wiltse (567-0176) to let them know of your interest.
The time is now here for Joanne and me to take our annual missionary journey to the wilds of Walt Disney
World in Orlando, Florida. We shall be flying out on Monday and returning on Thursday, February 4th.
While there we shall be thinking of all of you and praying for you between the times we are not otherwise
preoccupied with all the very serious activities offered at Walt Disney World.
I hope you have a Christ-filled time between now and the weekend of February 6 & 7!
St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us!
May the Holy Spirit always be with you.
Deacon Mike