February 21st- The Second Sunday of Lent

In our Old Testament reading today Abraham has an

encounter with God where God promises him that

he will be the father of a great nation that will bless

people for generations. At that time Abraham had no

logical way to make sense of God’s promise. Abra-
ham is old and so is his wife Sarah. They have no

children. He is a prosperous herder but he has no

land or army or gold. It does not seem likely that this

promise could happen. God does not explain how or

when this will happen, only that it is his plan.

Abraham continues to have faith in God and contin-
ues to walk forward in the path God lays out for him.

Eventually Abraham has an heir. And through many

generations and through many triumphs and trage-
dies the descendants of Abraham and his nomadic

tribe are transformed into a nation state. It is from

this nation and culture that Jesus is born.

God does not just encounter people in the Bible. As

children of God we believe he has a plan for us, as

both the people of God and also for us individually.

When have we sensed God’s promise to us? Are

there times we don’t see how God can make things

turn out right for us? We can take comfort when we

remember God kept his promise to Abraham. The

timing and the way were God’s. Abraham’s part was

to have active faith as he went about his daily life

working and playing and praying and worshipping.

That is what we can do too.

