March 13, 2016- The Fifth Sunday of Lent

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Faith:

We now find ourselves waiting in anticipation of Holy

Week and Easter. Holy Week will find us mourning

the Passion and Death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus

Christ, because on Palm Sunday we will listen to the

Gospel description of what our Lord went through on

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday almost 2,000 years


On Tuesday, March 22, the annual Chrism Mass will

be celebrated at the Cathedral in Saginaw. It is on

this occasion that the new holy oils will be blessed

and consecrated by Bishop Cistone. Volunteers are

needed to attend this Mass and to present the oils to

the parish at our Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s


The Mass of the Lord’s Supper will also feature the

washing of the feet of those wishing to participate.

Extra hosts will be consecrated for use on Good Fri-

On Good Friday we will celebrate the Adoration of

the Cross and Holy Communion. This Eucharist will

consist of the Body of Christ preserved after the

Mass of the Lord’s Supper the night prior.

Then, on Saturday we celebrate the Easter Vigil. The

ceremonies of Holy Saturday are the most solemn

memorials of the entire liturgical year. They consist of

four parts: Service of Light, Liturgy of the Word, Litur-
gy of Baptism [which will not occur at St. Vincent his

year because of no Catechumens], and Liturgy of the

Eucharist. The entire celebration takes place at night

[starting at 8pm this year], and must end before dawn

on Easter Sunday. In the early Church the night be-
fore Easter was celebrated by the illumination of

churches and even whole cities. The revised Easter

Vigil services include ceremonies that go back to the

first centuries of the Christian era and stress the

Church’s joy in commemorating the night that Christ

rose from the dead.

Of course, Easter Sunday is a day when we come

to celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection and his appear-
ances to several of his disciples after having been in

the tomb. What a joyful occasion!

Please plan to attend as many of these Holy Week

activities as you can, and while you are at it, why not

invite a friend to come along with you?

I hope you have a Christ-filled week!

St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us!

May the Holy Spirit always be with you.

Deacon Mike