April 3, 2016- Second Sunday of Easter Divine Mercy Sunday

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Faith:

Mea culpa! It has been drawn to my attention that I

have overlooked certain people in offering wishes

for a Happy Easter to all of you, both in last week’s

Bulletin and in my verbal remarks at the conclusion

of last Sunday’s morning Mass. Please be assured

any omission in either case was inadvertent and

was in no way meant to slight anyone. My apolo-
gies go out to anyone whose name was left off the


Today’s Gospel tells us the familiar story of

“doubting” Thomas. We may wonder how it can be

that Thomas remains stubborn in his unbelief that

Jesus has truly risen from the dead, when so many

of his friends and fellow apostles are all telling him

the same things over and over again. He has stat-
ed very firmly that, unless he can put his fingers

into Jesus’ hands and side, he will not believe!

Suddenly, a week later, Jesus stands before Thom-
as and invites him to do just that, and Thomas re-
sponds, “My Lord and my God!”

The lesson for us is clear—even though we have

not seen we are to believe because of the testimo-
ny of Jesus’ disciples, apostles, and their succes-
sors during the last twenty centuries. The original

people of the first century know what they saw, and

they passed it on to us, first in the oral tradition,

and a little later in written form. We have the benefit

of the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and all the

letters of Saint Paul and the other New Testament

writers. Their testimony serves us very well and the

Holy Spirit’s gift of faith to each and every one of us

helps us through the days of our lives—be they

pleasant ones or times filled with adversity. That

faith sees us through it all and without it, life could

be very difficult.

I pray that you will continue to be open to God’s

every blessing which he offers to you during the 50

days of the Easter Season. And I offer to you the

best wishes of everyone for a holy, blessed Easter


I hope you have a Christ-filled week!

St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us!

May the Holy Spirit always be with you.

Deacon Mike