Dear Sisters and Brothers in Faith:
It is once again the time of year here in Shepherd,
Michigan, when we celebrate the coming of spring
and the running of the sap in our many beautiful ma-
ple trees; yes, it is Maple Syrup Festival weekend! It
promises to be a beauty, too. Our recent memories
of Maple Syrup weekend include clouds and snowy
weather, but it promises to be much, much better
this year.
So we welcome with open arms all those who are
visiting the “sweetest little town around” this week-
end, and who have chosen to attend one of the litur-
gies at St. Vincent de Paul Church. Our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ, traveled all over what we have
come to call the Holy Land during his public ministry
on earth. He now joins us in welcoming all visitors to
St. Vincent de Paul in Shepherd for the 5th Sunday
of Easter AND Maple Syrup Weekend.
In today’s Gospel selection, Jesus is looking for-
ward, sadly, to his coming arrest and suffering
through his passion and death. Even though he is
aware of what he is about to endure, his concern is
for his disciples and for us, and so he issues a new
I don’t know what you think of when you hear the
word “commandment”, but I envision Charlton
Heston, acting as Moses, holding up two inscribed
stone tablets against a background of stormy red
sky. Or perhaps I might call to mind the words,
“Thou Shalt Not!”
But Jesus’ new commandment is not like any of
those images. Rather, he commands us to love one
another as he has loved us. Remember, he is about
to lay down his very life for us, and he is doing this
out of the love he has for us. This new command-
ment, then, is simply asking us to hold each other in
love, kindness, consideration, and concern.
I therefore wish all of you — Shepherd natives and
visitors alike — a very holy and blessed 5th week of
Easter and Maple Syrup Festival weekend.
I hope you have a Christ-filled week!
St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us!
May the Holy Spirit always be with you.
Deacon Mike