Dear Sisters and Brothers in Faith:
Congratulations!!! These greetings go to all those
receiving the Holy Eucharist for the first time this
weekend. I know all of them have been faithful in
their attendance at Faith Formation classes, as have
their parents. We welcome them with open arms to
the Altar Table of the Lord, and we look forward to
them taking their places as full-fledged communi-
cants of our parish. [Perhaps there are some new
altar servers in this group!]
The Gospel selection this week continues with Je-
sus’ Farewell Discourse as told in the Gospel of
John. Jesus says, “Whoever loves me will keep my
word, and my Father will love him, and we will come
to him and make our dwelling with him.” This theme
of love resounds throughout the Discourse, but this
week he adds the gift of peace.
Father Peter Semenenko wrote that Christ alone
gives peace, and asks, “Indeed, who else could give
it to us? Ourselves? Or some people? Or the world?
Ah, no, no! Christ alone.”
Jesus tells his disciples [and us] that the peace he
gives is not at all like the peace the world might of-
fer—simply the absence of strife—but true, deep-
down calmness and serenity, this is the kind of
peace Jesus offers, if only we are open to accept it.
Jesus doesn’t ask that we must do anything over
and above loving him and each other in order to be
open and accepting of his peace.
In his Discourse, Jesus first gives us the command-
ment to love one another. Then he offers us the kind
of peace we all long for. The love must come first,
then the peace will follow. So I must ask myself, “Am
I truly loving of those around me? Am I holding any
grudges, no matter how small or petty? Do I harbor
feelings of hatred toward any of those groups foster-
ing terrorism in the world? [Remember, as much as
we abhor the things someone does, God still loves
the person or people involved.]
It is a very tall order to try to rid ourselves of these
feelings, be we must give it our best shot because
the reward of Christ’s peace is well worth the effort.
I hope you have a Christ-filled week!
St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us!
May the Holy Spirit always be with you.
Deacon Mike