May 8, 2016- The Ascension of the Lord

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Faith:

The merry month of May promises to be event-filled

for us here at St. Vincent de Paul Parish.

First, we will have to be filling open positions on our

two Councils—Parish Pastoral Council and Finance

Council. The original members of both councils who

have declined to serve for an extended period of time

will need to be replaced. The positions to be filled will

be for a term of three years because we are now en-
tering into the phase wherein every term is for three

years. If you, or someone you know, would be inter-
ested in serving, please complete the form elsewhere

in this bulletin and turn it in to the office or in the col-
lection. Names will be drawn at 9:30am Mass Sun-
day, May 29.

Second, the Catholic Services Appeal [CSA] for 2016

will begin this month. A formal appeal will be made

during the weekend of May 14/15. All parishioners

should be receiving letters during the next two weeks

from both Bishop Cistone and me. It will be in these

letters that you will be given the pledge cards to fill

out and return. In 2015 we reached our goal for the

first time in recent memory and I am grateful to eve-
ryone who contributed to make that happen. Our

CSA target for this year is $44,221. I am sure we can

reach this goal some time during 2016, but wouldn’t

it be nice if our new Pastoral Administrator did not

have to mention CSA every weekend for six months?

Third, May is one of the months during the year when

we Catholics focus especially on honoring Mary, the

Mother of God. There was some dispute in the early

Church about whether Mary was actually the Mother

of God. The council of Ephesus [431] defined Mary

as Theotokos, Mother of God, against a man named

Nestorius who claimed she was only the mother of

the man Christ. This past Wednesday at the St. Pat-
rick site a crowning of Mary took place wherein the

children of the religious education classes brought

flowers to place before a statue of Mary. This was

followed by the usual Wednesday evening Word and

Communion Service, which was followed by a recita-
tion of the rosary, which was followed by the usual

pot luck dinner in the hall. These events serve as a

reminder that Jesus gave us Mary as our spiritual

mother as he hung upon the cross for us, and we

honor her in a very special way during month of May.

I hope you have a Christ-filled week!

St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us!

May the Holy Spirit always be with you.

Deacon Mike