May 15, 2016- Pentecost Sunday

In our readings today we see the Holy Spirit at work

with the Disciples. Before Jesus breathes the Holy

Spirit into them he wishes them peace. Not a word

of anger or reproach or hurt for the miserable way

they have failed and betrayed him in spite of the

lavish love he has poured on them again and again.

Now he gives them another gift of love—the Holy

Spirit to be with each of them all the time to guide,

console and strengthen them. The Holy Spirit also

gives them the power to forgive sins which is

passed on to priests through ordination. Because of

the Holy Spirit the Disciples are transformed and

enabled to do the Lord’s work.

Although most of us are not ordained to perform the

sacraments we also receive the Holy Spirit at Bap-
tism. It is quickened and enlivened in us at Confir-
mation. Scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit helps

us pray and that our body is the temple of the Holy


Each day as we walk through our life with its pleas-
ures and problems, burdens and blessings we are

accompanied by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes it is a

quiet voice of hope and encouragement. Some-
times it is a great burst of energy or a sudden in-
sight that leads us forward in some way. The Holy

Spirit comforts, guides and strengthens us to the

extent that we are open to it. How do we open our-
selves? Through prayer and humility.

