June 12, 2016- Eleventh Sunday of Ordinary Time

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Faith:

Thank you!!! Last Sunday’s roast and dinner was

wonderful. I believe Mr. Joe Moeggenborg could start

a new career in show business, perhaps as a stand-
up comedian. He ‘roasted’ me — real good!

The dinner was excellent, and my family and I en-
joyed it very much. We are grateful to all those who

worked on preparation, serving, and clean-up. Thank


There were a large number of people in attendance,

all of whom were gracious in their good wishes for my

upcoming retirement. I was given a lot of congratula-
tory cards and gifts, for which I am very thankful.

Again, thank you to all who offered me their best


Joanne and I will still be here for another three week-
ends before Dr. Jerry Green takes over.

It is sometimes difficult to see the connection between

the three readings at weekend Masses, but not this

week! The unifying concept this week is forgiveness.

King David has committed very serious sins in his

abuse of power to obtain his friend’s wife, then having

the friend killed. When Nathan the prophet confronts

David, David exclaims, “I have sinned against the

Lord!” Nathan’s response as he speaks the words of

the Lord is, “The Lord on his part has forgiven your


Paul’s explanation to the Galatians tells them [and us]

that God’s forgiveness comes to us a pure gift, it is

not something we can earn. It comes to us as a result

of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the

Son of God.

The passage from Luke’s gospel relates the story of

the sinful woman who washes and anoints Jesus’

feet. Jesus tells the Pharisee Simon [and us] that be-
cause she has sinned much and now has shown re-
pentance of her sins, that she is forgiven. It is not the

case that sinners have to repent before God forgives,

because God is love and is forgiving by his very na-
ture. A true believer responds to God’s forgiveness

with fervent love and gratitude as shown by the sinful

woman in today’s story.

I hope you have a Christ-filled week!

St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us!

May the Holy Spirit always be with you.

Deacon Mike