January 31st Weekly Reflection

Our readings today focus on love. They indicate

that love is more than a feeling. It is an act of will

or choice. Saint Thomas Aquinas said it is to will

the good of another. The actions of love are de-
scribed in Scripture. Jesus is our model of love

and he tells us he is here to teach the good

news, to heal the broken hearted, and to free

those who are oppressed.

Saint Paul talks about love as bearing all things,

believing all things, hoping all things. He says it is

wanting only good for others. He describes it as

patience, kindness, truth. He says it is not insist-
ing on our own will when it would hurt another.

Nowhere does the Bible say this love is easy.

After all Jesus went to the cross out of love for us

and his Father. But we are assured that this love

is the only way to true joy and peace. Love un-
derstands that people are more valuable than

money or things or power or social recognition.

These things may have a place in life but they

are not the most important and must take a back

seat to valuing and acting out our love for others.

We all long for the kind of love proclaimed in the

Bible and God longs to give it to us. Our limita-
tions and sins make it hard for us to recognize or

receive it. The sacraments of the church cleanse

us and open our hearts. The more open we are

to faith, hope, and love the better we can give

them to others which is God’s commandment to


