Dear Sisters and Brothers in Faith:
The Andrew Lloyd Webber/Tim Rice rock opera, Jesus Christ Superstar, depicts the scene from today’s gospel passage from John with this dialogue
between Jesus and Pilate:
Pilate: “Listen King of the Jews, where is your
kingdom? Look at me, am I a Jew?”
Jesus: “There may be a kingdom for me
somewhere, if I only knew.”
Pilate: “Then you’re a king?”
Jesus: “It’s you that say I am. I look for truth and
find that I get damned.”
Pilate: “But what is truth? Is truth unchanging law?
We both have truths. Are mine the same
as yours?”
The challenge of this dialogue and today’s gospel passage can be stated this way: How do we seek the truth? What is the truth and where will we find it?The search begins within our own hearts and the answer will be different for each individual; such a task involves a lot of self-discovery, but one thing is certain when we find God we will know the truth, and when we know the truth we will have discovered God, for God is truth. Seeking the truth is not easy. It is foolish to think that our society today accepts the presence of God and God’s truth. Therefore we must be persistent and take the necessary risks to seek the truth, and then we must act on what we find. We must all do our own little share of bringing Christ back into our world.
There is indeed a great challenge here, but there is a promise as well. Jesus says in the gospel, “Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” Our sincere efforts and open hearts will be rewarded. In discovering truth we bring the world one step closer to the purpose for which we all live— to welcome Christ when he returns as king. So let us come before our King and let our minds and hearts be filled with his truth!
Yes, there is a promise for tomorrow; it is the goal for which we all strive—eternal life. But there is a promise for today as well. As it says in Scripture, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
I hope you have a Christ-filled week!
St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us.
May the Holy Spirit always be with you.
Deacon Mike