Dear Sisters and Brothers in Faith:
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament has been held
in our church on the first Wednesday of each month
ever since I was assigned here in 2013. It begins
right after the conclusion of Word and Communion
Service at about 9am and continues until 3pm. At
3 o’clock hymns are sung, incense is offered to the
Lord, the Divine Praises are recited, and Benediction
takes place. It is a beautiful little ceremony, but it is,
sadly, poorly attended. Usually there is only one
other person beside myself in attendance. Nancy
Scovill has done a lot of work trying to get more
people involved with adoration, but she meets with
little success.
The next first Wednesday is January 6, 2016. It
would be wonderful if at least two people could be in
church with the Blessed Sacrament each hour from
9 until 3. Therefore, I am placing a sign-up sheet on
the table in the narthex for those willing to spend an
hour with the Lord during our adoration time. Please,
if you have the time, sign up for an hour, and come
to enjoy the Divine Presence.
It is at this time of year that we pause to reflect on
all the blessings given us by the Lord each and
every day. In the case of Joanne and me, we are
extremely blessed by all the good wishes of the
parishioners of St. Vincent de Paul Parish and St.
Patrick Church. Words are just not sufficient to
express our gratitude for your expressions of love
and kindness throughout the year.
Please accept our best wishes for the merriest of
Christmases and the happiest of all New Years.
Thank you very much!
I hope you have a Christ-filled week!
St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us!
May the Holy Spirit always be with you.
Deacon Mike